Don't Be Tricked by Hemp Seed Oil

Don't Be Tricked by Hemp Seed Oil

It's been years since CBD was legalized in all 50 states. So, why is there still so much confusion in the space? Information is readily abundant, but so is the consumer equivalent of "fake news." In this case, let's discuss hemp seed oil.

Hemp oil and hemp seed oil are not the same product. Both have their respective benefits, but they are independent of each other.

Hemp oil is extracted from a maturing plant - all of its parts and pieces - and contains chemical compounds, like CBD, that are beneficial for the body.

Hemp seed oil is pressed from the seeds of the hemp plant, much like flax seed oil, and contains many nutritional compounds - such as fatty acids and antioxidants. While it's great for adding to your diet, hemp seed oil does not provide the same benefits that hemp oil does.

Are you still with me? Please give me your full attention for just a minute. This is the most important point of this quick blog post.

There is no CBD or THC in hemp seed oil, which is why it can be sold on Amazon. CBD currently CANNOT be sold on Amazon. HOWEVER, those sneaky marketers have designed their labels in such a way that you might not detect the difference between what they are selling and HippieShine hemp oil.

On those Amazon products, you'll see a milligram offering... you'll see that it's "THC-free..." you'll see the words "hemp oil" on the label and in the product description. But if you look at the active and inactive ingredients, you will see "hemp seed oil." That's what they are selling. You will not see claims of CBD content.

Hemp-based CBD is clearly marked as containing CBD. Don't be tricked into thinking you've found a super low price for CBD on Amazon. Repeating... CBD currently CANNOT be sold on Amazon.

We started this business because we wanted to take the mystery out of buying quality CBD. We only offer what we have tested. We know first-hand the impact that CBD can have on one's holistic health and we want our family and friends to feel comfortable using it.

So, don't buy that Amazon marketplace product! That is, unless you're seeking a dietary supplement and know exactly what you're purchasing. 

Check out HippieShine's restocked favorites and enjoy lower prices on all hemp-based CBD.

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